
我們的設計宗旨 About us

雅桥创作室本著「作品有形,作品即人品;空间无形,空间即人間」的信念,致力做好每一个项目,善用每一片土地,每一分地球资源,用心考虑日後的使用及管理,为未来留下负责任的建筑,亦強調項目的文化与艺朮內容,为人类建造美好的生活环境。此外,创作室善用最新的科技,如BIM, 日照及流体力学模拟軟件,把每个项目都视为一个研習的机会,希望推动建筑的环保和创新,並先後承担多个富挑战性的项目,亦在特殊的设计比赛中获得殊榮。
arQstudio believes that “Architecture is where life happens and where architects show their care for people” and in each project, due care is taken to make sure that the site is optimized, natural resources are well utilized and future operations and management are well considered. Apart from being sustainable, all projects are enriched with cultural and artistic content that aspire human lives. Furthermore, the studio considers each project as an opportunity for innovation and research, and fully embraces new technology and software such as BIM, sun and wind simulation. In the past the studio has undertaken challenging projects and won numerous competitions and awards.



•香港大学   哲学博士                                   
•香港大学   建筑学士(优等)                         
•香港大学   文学士(一级荣誉)                     


•DFA大中华杰出设计奖 (顺德文化四馆中的演艺中心)         
•香港建筑师年奖 –境外作品 (苏州喜来登酒店)                          
•香港建筑师年奖 (中环娱乐行)                                                                        
